How You Can Help Your Tech Out

Like a lot of things in life, successful endeavors can often boil down to good old fashioned communication. Tech work is very much reliant on good communication between the customer and the tech to facilitate a successful upgrade or repair path. We’ve all heard the old saying: “Never ASSUME, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS of U and ME.”

So with that being said, here are a few items to take into consideration when you want a tech to fix your gun….

Continue reading “How You Can Help Your Tech Out”

Fixing a King Arms FAL Selector Switch

I have always liked the FAL design from an aesthetics standpoint. It’s also a rifle steeped in history,
having enjoyed massive adoption and proliferation during the cold war era. Among the rifles you can be guaranteed to find in just about every corner of the world, you will find the AK pattern rifles, the FAL, HK G3, and the M16/M4 variants. There are few airsoft companies that actually produce an FAL, and you could count them all on one hand – most of which are unfortunately discontinued too. This makes sourcing parts quite difficult, especially considering there are two distinct main designs (the Classic Army and the King Arms), and neither of them shares compatibility. Continue reading “Fixing a King Arms FAL Selector Switch”

State of the Repair World Circa 2014

So with the tech work side of things ramping up lately (especially with the holidays approaching), I’ve been able to see a wide variety of different guns pass across my workbench – enough to get an idea of what’s working well… and what isn’t so great. Being able to dive into the guts of a gun and diagnose the problems gives one a different view of the overall quality of the package as opposed to the player who is usually not inclined to perform repairs. Continue reading “State of the Repair World Circa 2014”

Diagnosing G36 Misfeeding Issues with Aftermarket Hop Up Chambers

The Echo1 G36 series and by extension its clone(s) the JG, etc. has long been notoriously known for magazine feeding issues. Additionally, these are also plagued with equally notorious hop up chambers that are fragile and easily broken. Most of these issues stem from a poor air nozzle and hop up chamber design that doesn’t allow the nozzle to retract far enough to allow BB’s to feed into the hop up chamber. Due to this, a lot of Echo1 G36 owners like to upgrade their hop up chambers to more durable analogues. While a full metal CNC produced hop up chamber is certainly going to be more durable than the plastic one, it doesn’t always take care of the feeding issues. Continue reading “Diagnosing G36 Misfeeding Issues with Aftermarket Hop Up Chambers”

Wolverine Airsoft SMP Kit Review

So… at long last, the Wolverine Airsoft SMP Kit review has arrived! I would have conducted this review much sooner than it has turned out to be, but is has been a very long series of setbacks stemming from incompetent clerks screwing my HPA tank up that has prevented me from actually testing out this unit. Thankfully, I have managed to fix my tank with the gracious assistance of Guerrilla Air and have now since put close to 5000 rounds through this beast. It’s amazing how fast you can burn through a bag of BB’s when you’re having fun. Continue reading “Wolverine Airsoft SMP Kit Review”