Airsoft and the Point of Diminishing Returns

As a tech, I am often approached by mostly well intentioned folks who want me to install the latest
whiz-bang piece of gear into their AEG with the idea that it will somehow greatly increase their performance. Like many other industries, the airsoft one is saturated with items that are designed to pry a lot of money from your wallet. And much like the firearms world – it also tends to slant itself heavily in the triumph of gear over skill. Continue reading “Airsoft and the Point of Diminishing Returns”

Airsoft and Night Fighting

Night fighting is a wholly unique and different experience from daytime fighting. It presents a challenging environment to master effectively. For the user intent on “owning the night”, as the saying goes, you will want to strongly consider investing in a good set of night vision equipment. Complimenting NVG’s is the addition of an IR laser, which is in this authors opinion, an absolutely indispensable piece of equipment for effectively and discretely (to non-NVG users) aiming your rifle at night.

Continue reading “Airsoft and Night Fighting”

HSA Universal Enhanced Magazine Followers

With the airsoft season starting to draw down here, I can finally get to some of the items I’ve been testing for the past year. One of these items that I have been using extensively are the Universal Enhanced Magazine Followers by Hunter Seeker Armory (henceforth abbreviated as “UEMF” to save my fingers the lengthy title.) Continue reading “HSA Universal Enhanced Magazine Followers”

PTS US Palm AK Battlegrip Review

There are quite a few aftermarket grip options for the AK on the market – but US Palm probably makes the best one in my opinion. It is almost the perfect synergy between ergonomic feel and keep-it-simple utility. As an airsofter, I know I am not alone for having wanted a version to fit my airsoft gun for years now. Fortunately, such an option now exists and is produced by PTS Syndicate who are renown for their high quality licensed versions of many famous firearms brands.

I wanted to get at least one or two games in before giving this grip a thorough review. Some things tend to look good on paper, or in the packaging, but in actual field use is where it will make it or break it. Continue reading “PTS US Palm AK Battlegrip Review”

Real Sword AK-104 Conversion

Here’s another Real Sword conversion… An LCT AK-104 frontset kit was modified to fit, utilizing the stock RS handguards. While this mash-up won’t please the anyone who’s into purely authentic AK builds (there’s no such thing as a Chinese AK-104 to my knowledge), it is built this way more for function than form. To give it a little touch of the modern, I threw on an AAC Blackout flash suppressor. I like this particular look on the AK-104 more than the traditional cone style booster or a simple A2 birdcage. Continue reading “Real Sword AK-104 Conversion”