E&L Gen. 2 AKM Review

Is the E&L Gen. 2 the ‘LCT / Real Sword Killer’ of internet lore, or all hype?

I’ve personally worked on a fair number of E&L’s now, mostly of the generation 1 variety. The newer, improved generation 2 models haven’t really flooded the market just yet, so this in turn means that I haven’t seen too many cross my bench yet. But even before the release of the Gen 2 models, the hype train was already in full gear and many were saying these were the rifles that would finally put LCT and Real Sword into their graves. Continue reading “E&L Gen. 2 AKM Review”

Asura Dynamics PK-6 Foregrip Review

I would normally use real steel components when it comes to my AEG accessories, but I wound up getting this foregrip at a price that was so cheap ($8.00 shipped) that I couldn’t say no and not try it. Considering the real steel (Zenitco) version of the PK-6 runs around $60, and the repro’s from most sources around $20 – $30, it wasn’t a bad deal at all either. Continue reading “Asura Dynamics PK-6 Foregrip Review”

Shimming: Some Tips and Tricks

My first experience with shimming is tied indelibly to my first time taking apart a gearbox years ago. Like a lot of first-timers, I unknowingly unleashed a storm of flying parts when I foolishly tried to open the gearbox halves without tripping the anti-reversal latch first or attempting to hold the spring down. And like a lot of first-timers I had little clue what the little round shims (then incorrectly presumed by me as “washers”) were for. So once I figured out which gear went where, and how to squeeze the spring into the one half, I slapped the whole apparatus together and upon hooking up a battery was dismayed to find my gun would not turn over at all. Continue reading “Shimming: Some Tips and Tricks”

Kinetic Development Group SCAR MREX Rail Review

It’s no real secret that I’m a big fan of the SCAR platform. It combines AK-like reliability with updated ergonomics for the 21st century. I have a few minor quips with regard to certain design features, but one can largely blame the strange foibles of SOCOM for those. Fortunately the aftermarket industry is beginning to spool up full bore with innovative solutions to many a shooters whims and preferences.

Continue reading “Kinetic Development Group SCAR MREX Rail Review”

The Perception of Disadvantage

You will often read a review or hear testimony from someone that a certain gun (insert whatever type you wish here) has a “disadvantage.” Often times, this disadvantage is perceived from the standpoint of a comparison to a completely different gun – and usually this is one they have the most familiarity with. And as such, that familiar gun will become their baseline (and ultimately their bias) for measuring any future gun against. Continue reading “The Perception of Disadvantage